Thursday, March 7, 2019
again about the freedom.
I spoke lately with some friends, and I heard interesting thought.
They've been traveling into some developing country, and went to see a falls. As the falls was beautiful, and the watre cristaly clear, they wonder if to not jump into the wather.
So the boy asked a "guide": Can I jump into the water?
So he answerd something like: ~~"What I have to do with that? Its your life so if you wanna jump - jump. Your life your responsiblity and your choice"
The man concider it strange to ask him.
And here we are.
And here is our freedom in modern world.
Barely exist.
We are taught that for every simple action exist a rule, or a law.
In the developing countries as long as you not gonna hurt others, you might have freedom of choice.
We are taught to be slaves, of so many things, so nowadays the courage of thinking, freedom of thoughts is hardly seen.
Do we need all that laws and rules?
Are thay protecting us, or are they blocking us from living?
Can we growing in that kind of society - still develop independent thinking?
Or we are just doomed to being slaves.
Why are we taught to just follow the rules without asking, questioning things?
Why so less of us is aware of it?
Why the world continiue as if everything was fine the way it is?
Czy można być naprawdę wolnym, jeśli nawet Twoje myśli i nauczone normalne odruchy Cię więzią od dzieciństwa?
Czy można poczuć się naprawdę wolnym w rzeczywistości w której są przewidziane kary za nawet najdrobniejsze uchybienia od norm?
Czy świat pogrążyłby się w przemocy i haosie bez tych wszystkich szczegółowych norm?
Czy żylibyśmy w ciągłym strachu o nasze życie?
Czy zostało nam to po prostu wmówione i wydaje nam się że nie ma innej opcji na rzeczywistość?
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