But even though I just have to write it, to clear my mind.
Do you ever knew what friendship is?
Do you ever wondered what the loyalty is?
Or just everything you've learned is like to be a sneaky little bitch?
I just wanted you to know that you should learn how to keep mouth shut, until what you speak will get any wiser.
I know many things which I could spread around. MORE - true things.
But I always was choosing not to - do you know why?
Simply because of respect.
But you don't know any of that : respect, loyalty, friendship.
And as I see I doubt you ever will.
Each other person I know, probably would behave in a better way that you did.
bitchy - that's the correct world
But I just desire that each when day you look in the mirror, you see the person you truly are.
And I just wish you more wisdom.
that everyone knows to do. but just few have courage to do better.