
Monday, March 10, 2025


My workplace, by a random output of events, referred me to a psychotherapist. I took it—anything could help, I said, why not? But the lady herself was the biggest nightmare I faced in it all. Her solution to my problems was:

  1. Change jobs – then I don’t have to talk to her – great, I just run away from the problems.

  2. Move out of London – she herself traveled 2 hours to London twice a week, which seemed fine – I remove myself from the problem – again, I just hide; maybe it will pass. (fingers crossed) 
  3. Take high doses of antidepressants/anxiety pills so my OCD passes (first of all, I was never diagnosed with any sort of OCD). Then I asked, "So then I feel better because of a serotonin overload? You will ask me how I feel, I will tell you 'great,' and that will be the end of our meeting?" To which she confirmed, "YES."

  4. She repeatedly suggested more physical activity – I already do 1 hour and 30 minutes of walking daily, then I go to the gym 4 times a week and almost daily yoga/stretching. What the fuck more can I do? Each time she mentioned it I reminded her of what I am doing then she forgets and suggests it again. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

Then, she cut the session after 10 minutes, saying my problem is very severe and she has never come across such a complex situation. She said she couldn't help if I didn’t want to follow her suggestions (listed above), wished me the best of luck, and ended the call.

I actually managed to feel good recently, but I wouldn't mind talking to someone and learning to have better responses for things life throws at me.

But how much harm can she do? Why is someone like that even allowed to be a psychotherapist?

Is a therapist even allowed to tell you what to do with your life? are they supposed to be more a guide and help to shift perspectives? is drugging someone with a high dose of medication instead of trying to help them even called "help"?

I'm so shocked 

I hope she won't be talking to anyone soon