
Saturday, September 25, 2021

25 >> 35 akwardness

If I didn't learn at this age to keep things for myself 
probably I ever won't
boundless honesty is not always best
and not always benefits you
but I'm still believing it will
I wanna believe that world will be better if people will practice frankness
I might be totally wrong
Might be I die as idealist 

Maybe I've got issues with my head
but who doesn't

I feel  slightly like that day with a bad trip,
just it's real life 
It's on my own request

But still

I'm sorry If my words cause harm
I really can't clear my reasons
If I dig it dipper, Do I say things just for my own interest or is it unselfish?
What am I aiming to achieve?
Is it supposed to remove some of a guilt I feel?

Yesterday  was a veryyyy nice day. 
Not many like that I'm getting recently
It's going to collection of the good once


I'm thinking about detaching from things
How could I achieve it
In my case It will be hard to get there

I'm tired I will go to sleep


It is not easy to meet people who are kind of your kindred spirits
It happens for me very rarely
I would say extremely rarely

and on the top of it
I trust literally no one


And I just add one thought about appreciation
I feel like we as humans tend to not appreciated enough thing and other humans
It's like art of appreciation
If you think of all good things what happening to you, as a little gifts
Nice human beings you meet as an opportunity to appreciate life itself
When you analyse it, through life you experience so many things, but not many of them are just pure and good, and often lasting too short

If we just learn to catch that things and moments and appreciate it then when it's happening, we won't ever regret not valuing it enough. 
Just appreciate thing at the moment while it's it time

Take a moment to listen to your favourite song 
Stop and watch the sunset even you are late 
Stop in train station and listen someone playing piano
Next train will come anyway
Smile back to people who give you smile, whoever they are
Say something nice to someone who was helpful or kind
Tell your friends why you like them
Have a coffee by yourself watching the rush of the city
Appreciate the day when you boss don't throw all shit on you, even he had a reason
If we would search more reason to appreciate the life will be more pleasant to go through
I decided to practice appreciation  in my life 
It's not easy but I decided I will work on it
I would like to be rather "dressing plaster" than, the one who complains and cause a scars

Nothing ever happens twice
So  make sure that one time will be enough

Someone tried to show me that when I was 16, dedicating this lyric.
I needed many years to come to understand it

Wisława Szymborska
(and quite accurate translation)

Twice nothing happens
and nothing ever will
Therefore we were born unfeathered
and such shall die still

Should we be like dumb students
dumbest in their class
Not a day must we correct
no one will ever fail us

No night will be the same
No day can happen twice
No kiss is like previous
No look in the eyes

Yesterday, when somebody said
out loud, next to me, your name
I felt inside as if a rose
through open window came

Today, as we are here together
I turned my face towards the wall
Rose? What does it look like?
A flower more, or a stone?

Why do you, the dark hour,
mix with unneeded scare?
You are – so you will be gone
smile comes after nightmare

Smiling, embracing,
for accord we search
Yet unlike water drops
we can never merge.

Wisława Szymborska – Nic dwa razy
Nic dwa razy
Nic dwa razy się nie zdarza
i nie zdarzy. Z tej przyczyny
zrodziliśmy się bez wprawy
i pomrzemy bez rutyny.

Choćbyśmy uczniami byli
najtępszymi w szkole świata,
nie będziemy repetować
żadnej zimy ani lata.

Żaden dzień się nie powtórzy,
nie ma dwóch podobnych nocy,
dwóch tych samych pocałunków,
dwóch jednakich spojrzeń w oczy.

Wczoraj, kiedy twoje imię
ktoś wymówił przy mnie głośno,
tak mi było, jakby róża
przez otwarte wpadła okno.

Dziś, kiedy jesteśmy razem,
odwróciłam twarz ku ścianie.
Róża? Jak wygląda róża?
Czy to kwiat? A może kamień?

Czemu ty się, zła godzino,
z niepotrzebnym mieszasz lękiem?
Jesteś - a więc musisz minąć.
Miniesz - a więc to jest piękne.

Uśmiechnięci, współobjęci
spróbujemy szukać zgody,
choć różnimy się od siebie
jak dwie krople czystej wody.

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