is that what you want from me?
is that what you expect?
to all of the f*** life pretend something?
am I allowed sometimes to not to?
why is it better to be perfect and fake then unperfect and real?
I'm vomiting with this perfection
I feel like so many people expect things from me,
I can't fulfil it, and I don't even want to
Is like the things was set for me before I got to decide
And decisions are never mine
because everyone got something to say
and even I wouldn't care, eventually I will care
and no one even knows ever about what I'm talking
because that knowledge isn't common
its like a trap you live in, but you consciously deciding to not leave it, because its your trap
you know all the hazards, know to avoid, so you stay in
but leaving the trap will be same f*** as staying in
one foot wrong
no way out
is it that simple?
just the sides of live you might not know
its just black or white
good or bad
yes or no
crowd or silence
Pułapką chęć bycia dobrym, branie pod uwagę odczuć innych
świadomość że nie mogę być dobrym dla każdego i brać pod uwagę wszystkich odczuć
Nawet jak okroi się ludzi i zostawi tych naprawdę bliskich to jest ich trochę jednak (czasami), wystarczająco by robił się miszmasz i pojawiło niezadowolenie.
Życie pełne niedosytu, zawodu..? raczej tak, a na pewno sporo tego