Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Friday, September 30, 2022
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Monday, August 29, 2022
monotony in fun
I took this year at least 10 flights
Another 6 coming
I always wanted to be traveler
I'm not quite sure about it anymore
I hate airports
Long waits
Delayed and canceled flights
I also hate lack of routines
I hate a security checks (always going through the longest check as they assuming I look as a convict or drug diler)
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
somebody else.
Dzisiaj myślę o
To chyba przez …… .
Nieraz jakieś dziwne myśli mnie nachodzą
Tęsknię za tymi czasami z tobą
Beztroskimi, bo każdy dopiero zaczynał życie
Teraz już tak nie jest
Już tak nie ma
Tęsknię za tym
Miałam wtedy nadzieje na lepsza przyszłość
Energię, idee, wielkie cele
Teraz jakoś świat się prezentuje inaczej
Nic nie jest proste
Jakoś wszystko mniej cieszy, jednak
Tak mi brakuje tej beztroski
Dyskusji o niczym i o wszystkim
Planowania przyszłości vs przezywania jej
z ta mlodziencza naiwnoscia
Nieraz sobie czytam to co mam w archiwum.
Sporadycznie ale sie zdarza.
Już nie rozmawiamy.
A ja mam tyle do opowiedzenia.
Ciekawi mnie, jak tak naprawdę się czujesz
Czy czasem masz takie zastanowienia jak ja
Co rozważasz? tak na codzień, w głowie.
Co w życiu Ci wyszło? a co raczej średnio?
Czy masz fajnych ludzi wokół siebie? czy tak jak ja - raczej mało?
Czy spełniasz jakieś z własnych marzeń i celów?
O czym czytasz?
I komu to opowiadasz
Co się zmieniło w twoim podejściu/ poglądach
U mnie tak duzo sie zmienilo. Tesknie za swoja "glowa" z przeszlosci,
wszystko wydawalo sie latwe.
pozniej juz nigdy takie nie bylo.
Pewnie o tym nie pogadamy.
A ja, naprawdę, jestem bardzo ciekawa
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
and it makees me happyy
Thursday, June 9, 2022
naw fav 2
my new few spot
Sunday, May 22, 2022
new fav
my new fav quote
“I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.”
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
the otherside
I did it in the name of what I don't know
But it took some part of weight from me
It also added some weight
What's next?
I also need a normal holidays
I deeply understood that you are alone in this world
You shouldn't be placing hope in anyway in other people bc it's gonna be only huge disappointment
be the hero of your own story
And that's very disappointing when you realise that there in no one who truly cares about
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
that funny feeling / I will be "post-y" I guess
thats so bittersweet
but I'm trying to approach it with thinking
first of all life often dealing with situations better the we imagined and than we thought all could go
maybe better is not to force your own solutions sometimes
2ed me over-stressing always was ruining all
I always was over thinking things and I was ending up not enjoying bc I was simply stressed
Life goes anyway own way why would you always in advance process all possible outputs
Its not easy but for once I try to get it right as it can be without overwhelming myself
I'm just curious what I'm gonna think reading it in two years. What I'm gonna think What I'm gonna feel
Monday, March 21, 2022
before the spring comes
is being able to share
Sunday, March 13, 2022
I like to have it like that
Thursday, March 3, 2022
where do we go
Maybe it's being self pity, but the best times to be writing
Help, I lost myself again, but I remember you
Thursday, February 24, 2022
wind of change
im feeling
that whatever I do , all will be only fucking temporary.
Like everything in my life, that's just temporary periods.
It has good parts but I feel like I never make enough to use the day.
It is literally not enough ever, by the end of the day i feel like i should have done more because it will never come back again.
The chances I'm getting I always feel it’s or it or nothing, now or never.
People I'm meeting - I need to do with them as much as I can now, because tomorrow they might be gone and I won't have that chance anymore.
The places I see I feel like I have to look at them as much as I can because I may be seeing them for the last time in my life.
I feel like the only time I have is today.
Like there is no tomorrow so I should do all my best in all aspects today. now.
I don't know what made me think like that on that scale.
Maybe because literally no one I had in my life from the past is now close to me.
Like it was always so temporary and not enough.
Like I didn't appreciate that enough in the past so now I'm just trying not to repeat.
At the same time as I desperately seek stability but I also need change often, like I will never have enough.
How can you feel these two things at the same time?
If you are still considering moving somewhere then be aware of what it comes with as a package.
Any chance of even little change just now, freaks me out.
Like my body requires some stability.
But on the other hand I often seek for change. Often think of change
Am I mad?
It is so difficult to maintain friends while traveling.
So easy to be sceptical and closed.
Why would you put effort in something what won't last
But I'm the one who always trying
Is it worth it?
I try to make the place I live my home, even its for a while
But also that temporality make me anxious
BTW Spring is coming
wind smells so good
it will smell even better if we wasn't just at the door of war in europe..
(A lato było piękne tego roku).
I cannot wait spring and summer
Just to look at the clear sky
Walking in Richmond and smell the grass
Monday, February 14, 2022
sometimes someone hurts you
sometimes it happens at the same time
Sunday, February 6, 2022
chilling down
Thursday, February 3, 2022
ciągle goniła wiatr || Tomorrow never comes it is always today
Spragniona życia- wciąż, zawsze gubiła coś, nie chciała nic,
Nie rozumiałem, kiedy mówiła mi:
Mieliśmy wiecznie trwać,
Na jednej z dzikich plaż,
Chciałem ze wszystkich sił,
Pozostać z Tobą tam'