
Friday, March 30, 2012

Empty skies but a butterflies wings beat silent like air.

I can't make steps forward..

Over thinking.

Empty skies but a butterflies wings beat silent like air

Saturday, March 24, 2012

my own paper wings

Yesterday's conversation made ​​me realize that  what I do is not good. All humans have the need to think what they do, what they plan next, have some new goals, and have a need to do it.
And me now I'm stopped.
Perhaps me I make steps back.
Even not in the left or right - to back.

I changed so much in my life to come here, to live here. And now, finally I see that maybe it was like this - one step forward and next a few backward.


I achieved goals. 
Maybe time to make new. 

I'm standing at the same point.
I do not like to stand in the same place too long.

Life shouldn't be like a wheel. (or music box)
With the same melody in a circle (over and over again).

I like to grow.
Not just talk - what I will do, but do it. Already. The time now.

All my life I prefered thinking and act, but now I'm just living day today. Nothing more.

Is it exactly what I wanted?

"One last thing i beg you please
just before you go
i've watched you fly on paper wings
half way round the world
until they burned up in the atmosphere 
and sent you spiraling down
landed somewhere far from here 
with no one else around
to catch you falling down
and i'm looking at you now

and i can't tell if you're laughing
between each smile there's a tear in your eye
there's a train leaving town in an hour
it's not waiting for you 
and neither am i

swing for the fences son
he must have told you once
that was a conversation
you took nothing from
so raise your glass now 
and celebrate excatly what you've done
just put off another day 
of knowing where your from
catch up with yourself if you run

and i cant tell if you're laughing
between each smile theres a tear in your eye
theres a train leaving town in an hour
it's not waiting for you and neither am i

is this the life that you lead?
or the life thats left for you?
will you take the road that's been laid out before you (...)"


Referring to this post - passed 6 months!

Taśma kręci się
Ty stoisz przy niej
Jesteś pionkiem w grze
Kółkiem w maszynie
Żyjesz w zamkach pośród chmur
Na ich wieżach
Nie chcąc wiedzieć ani czuć
Dokąd zmierzasz

Sunday, March 18, 2012


"For better or worse, that we‟ll see later. But we must act, courageously and grab life by the horns. Believe me, little one, the only regret is having been inactive, indecisive, hesitant. Although sometimes the action and the decision produce grief and sadness, one does not repent of them ever."

'Źle czy dobrze, okaże się później. Ale trzeba działać, śmiało chwytać życie za grzywę. Wierz mi, malutka, żałuje się wyłącznie bezczynności, niezdecydowania, wahania. Czynów i decyzji, choć niekiedy przynoszą smutek i żal, nie żałuje się.' 

Rozpaczać nad minionym nieszczęściem – to najpewniejszy sposób, by przyciągnąć inne.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Im asking myself.

Nie wiem skąd to się bierze ale chyba lubię sprawiać sobie ból psychiczny. Po prostu połowa rzeczy które robie dąży w efekcie do tego żebym czuła się źle.


Pwp 30:19,20
..położyłem przed tobą życie i śmierć, błogosławieństwo i przekleństwo;
 wybierz więc życie, abyś mógł pozostać przy życiu..

Last time of my life is so strange.
In tha one way im so happy, in the other i have in head so many things what make me sad.
Is never balance between of it.

Monday, March 5, 2012